BBC One 2020 - Social Distancing Oneness

With the COVID-19 pandemic reaching the UK in March 2020, requiring governments to put the countries into lockdown and rule out meeting up with people, having the flagship broadcaster continuing to use a package which showed people gathering together looked increasingly out of touch. After persisting with it for several more weeks, a new package of idents was finally introduced in May 2020, better reflecting the mood of the country with people coming together while remaining apart by splicing together video clips from different locations in a collage effect. These idents were kept until the withdrawl of most restrictions in England on July 19th 2021 (despite legal restrictions remaining in the other nations, idents were changed onscreen for all nations together). After which the original Oneness idents returned to fill the gap ahead of a planned Autumn rebrand.

BBC One (Tea breaks) - 2020

On May 1st (officially), about 6 weeks into the COVID-19 lockdown of 2020, BBC One replaced their usual 'Oneness' idents with groups of people doing things together with a series of 'social distancing' ones showing people and scenes cut together from lots of different places instead. Here cups of tea are shown.

BBC One NI (Tea breaks) - 2020

The Northern Ireland variant of the BBC One Tea Breaks ident, introduced on May 1st 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

BBC One Wales (Tea breaks) - 2020

The BBC One Wales variant of the social distancing Tea Breaks ident, introduced on May 1st 2020 along with the other nations.

BBC One Scotland (Tea breaks) - 2020

BBC One Scotland also saw their version of the 'Tea Breaks' social distancing ident appear on May 1st 2020.

BBC One (Isolation Disco) - 2020

In another of the Oneness idents introduced in May 2020, people in various locations are shown together to form an 'Isolation Disco'.

BBC One NI (Isolation Disco) - 2020

BBC One Northern Ireland's version of the 'Isolation Disco' ident, introduced on May 1st 2020.

BBC One Wales (Isolation Disco) - 2020

The Welsh variant of the Isolation Disco ident for BBC One, first introduced on May 1st.

BBC One Scotland (Isolation Disco) - 2020

BBC One Scotland also introduced the Isolation Disco ident on May 1st 2020.

BBC One (Isolation Disco Sting) - 2020

One of the earliest social distancing stings to appear on BBC One was based upon the Isolation Disco ident, and appeared in some nations on the first day of the idents going to air.

BBC One (Teammates) - 2020

People pass a ball virtually between each other in another social-distancing Oneness ident from May 2020.

BBC One NI (Teammates) - 2020

BBC One Northern Ireland also saw the introduction of the Teammates ident on the evening of 1st May.

BBC One Wales (Teammates) - 2020

The BBC One Wales variant of the Teammates ident, brought in from May 1st.

BBC One Scotland (Teammates) - 2020

The Teammates ident as it appeared in BBC One Scotland from 1st May 2020.

BBC One (In Bloom) - 2020

The next 'socially distant' Oneness ident appeared on BBC One network on 6th May, having already aired out in the nations in the days before this. Snapshots of flowers make up the scene this time round.

BBC One Scotland (In Bloom) - 2020

Special networked continuity from Dame Vera Lynn's daughter Virginia, over a full playout of the BBC One Scotland variant of the 'In Bloom' ident.

BBC One NI (In Bloom) - 2020

The Northern Ireland variant of the 'In Bloom' social distancing ident.

BBC One Wales (In Bloom) - 2020

BBC One Wales was the first to start airing the 'In Bloom' ident, with it appearing in Wales several days before the rest of the nations.

BBC One (Capoeira Group Practice) - 2020

The next new idents in the 'social distancing' Oneness set of 2020 idents appeared across all the nations on 13th May. First of all, a group of people practice Capoeira dancing, in a throwback to an ident from some 18 years prior. First aired into the 7pm junction on 13th May across all four BBC One nations.

BBC One NI (Capoeira Group Practice) - 2020

BBC One Northern Ireland's variant of the Capoeira Group Practice ident, first aired into the 7pm junction on 13th May 2020.

BBC One Wales (Capoeira Group Practice) - 2020

The Wales variant of the BBC One Capoeira Group Practice. Unlike the early appearance of In Bloom, the Capoeria ident appeared at the same time as the other nations into the 7pm junction on 13th May.

BBC One Scotland (Capoeira Group Practice) - 2020

BBC One Scotland's variation on the Capoeira Group Practice ident, first aired on 13th May 2020.

BBC One (Cabaret Cooking) - 2020

The next ident to appear on the 13th May into the 9pm junction on all nations was Cabaret Cooking, with all the nations premiering it at the same time.

BBC One Scotland (Cabaret Cooking) - 2020

BBC One Scotland's variant of the Cabaret Cooking ident, also shown into the 9pm junction on 13th May.

BBC One NI (Cabaret Cooking) - 2020

BBC One Northern Ireland's variant of the Cabaret Cooking ident.

BBC One Wales (Cabaret Cooking) - 2020

BBC One Wales' variant of the Cabaret Cooking Social Distancing ident, as first aired at 9pm on May 13th.

BBC One (Cabaret Cooking Sting) - 2020

In addition to the main social distancing idents themselves, a selection of stings were also introduced in May 2020. Here one based on the cabaret cooking ident.

BBC One (Knit Club) - 2020

Insert your own 'First Rule' joke here. The next additions of the 'socially distant' idents first appeared on 20th May, completing the initial batch of 8 which had been promised in their glossy press releases. 8pm saw the first showing of 'Knit Club', featuring various people doing knitting from different locations.

BBC One Wales (Knit Club) - 2020

The BBC One Wales variant of the Knit Club ident, as aired at 8pm alongside network on 20th May 2020.

BBC One Scotland (Knit Club) - 2020

BBC One Scotland's variation of the 'Knit Club' social distancing ident, as aired at 8pm on 20th May.

BBC One NI (Knit Club) - 2020

The crazy mavericks at BBC One Northern Ireland pres broke away from the other nations on the 20th May, airing the 8pm and 9pm idents the opposite way round to everyone else that evening. Knit Club appears here into the 9pm junction instead.

BBC One (Knit Club Sting) - 2020

Another Oneness sting based off the 2020 social distancing idents. This time scenes from the Knit Club ident feature.

BBC One (Choir Rehearsal) - 2020

9pm on 20th May everywhere except Northern Ireland saw the first airing of the 'Choir Rehearsal' Oneness ident, showing lots of smaller videos of people singing to build up a choir performance.

BBC One Wales (Choir Rehearsal) - 2020

The BBC One Wales variant of the Choir Rehearsal ident, first aired 9pm on 20th May.

BBC One Scotland (Choir Rehearsal) - 2020

Choir Rehearsal for BBC One Scotland, as it appeared into the first 9pm junction on 20th May 2020.

BBC One NI (Choir Rehearsal) - 2020

BBC One Northern Ireland bucked the trend of the other nations, and aired Choir Rehearsal first into the 8pm junction on 20th May 2020.

BBC One (Cat Naps) - 2020

The same lockdown idents continued into the autumn before the next was added to the set. On October 24th Cat Naps premiered, showing cut together shots of cats sleeping. Network decided to add some additional sound effects over the initial airing here.

BBC One Wales (Cat Naps) - 2020

A very tight junction for BBC One Wales first showing of the 'Cat Naps' ident, at 5.25pm on October 24th 2020.

BBC One Scotland (Cat Naps) - 2020

BBC One Scotland manage a longer playout of the 'Cat Naps' ident for their first airing of it.

BBC One NI (Cat Naps) - 2020

BBC One Northern Ireland's first showing of the October 2020 'Cat Naps' ident, into the 5.25pm junction on October 24th.

BBC One (Children in Need Sting) - 2020

A new animated BBC One Sting for Children in Need 2020, first spotted on November 1st, the day after some baking 'Oneness' stings had unexpectedly appeared before their associated ident.

BBC One (Children in Need Promo) - 2020

More of the animated style featuring in the new Oneness sting from November 1st can be seen in the promo for Children In Need 2020.

BBC One (Fundraisers) - 2020

A special new ident to mark Children In Need 2020, first aired into the 6pm junction on November 1st 2020. Following the same style as the stings which had been seen earlier in the day.

BBC One NI (Fundraisers) - 2020

Northern Ireland's premiere of the Fundraising ident for Children in Need 2020, as aired into the 6pm junction on November 1st 2020.

BBC One Wales (Fundraisers) - 2020

BBC One Wales' first airing of the Fundraising ident for Children in Need 2020 from the 6pm junction on November 1st 2020.

BBC One Scotland (Fundraisers) - 2020

The 6pm junction from BBC One Scotland on November 1st 2020 saw a longer playout of the new Fundraising ident than the other nations.

BBC One (Bread Makers) - 2020

After the stings had started appearing a few days earlier, the next new 'socially distant' BBC One ident appeared on November 2nd 2020. This time featuring shots of bread being made across the UK.

BBC One NI (Bread Makers) - 2020

BBC One Northern Ireland's version of the Bread Makers ident, which appeared from November 2nd 2020.

BBC One Wales (Bread Makers) - 2020

The Wales variant of the November 2020 Bread Makers ident for BBC One.

BBC One Scotland (Bread Makers) - 2020

Completing the four nations, the BBC One Scotland variation of the new Bread Makers ident, aired from November 2nd 2020.

BBC One (Sting - Teammates) - 2020

Another lockdown Oneness sting for BBC One, this time using 'Teammates' as the base footage.

BBC One (Sting - The Wheel) - 2020

Just when you thought circles on BBC One were long gone, a programme-specific sting to promote BBC One's new show 'The Wheel' on November 28th 2020.

BBC One (Small Axe) - 2020

A special ident was introduced to BBC One from 9pm Sunday 15th November, before a series of special weekly films known as 'Small Axe'. A small season of films by Steve McQueen, the ident was made of up flags from the West Indies. This ident continued to be used in the Sunday slot after the introduction of Christmas idents into other junctions from the end of November.

BBC One Scotland (Small Axe) - 2020

The BBC One Scotland variant of the 'Small Axe' ident, complete with a continuity announcement which runs out of time and ends up with a stray word.

BBC One NI (Small Axe) - 2020

BBC One Northern Ireland's version of the Small Axe ident, as first aired on November 15th 2020.

BBC One Wales (Small Axe) - 2020

The Small Axe ident, as it appears on the BBC One Wales. First introduced on November 15th, then used on subsequent Sundays throughout November and December.

BBC (Family Ident) - 2021

The 'Family' ident from the BBC is a special ident, reserved for use in very limited occasions where all BBC channels are simulcasting certain news events. Here it appears into the 7.30pm junction on Friday 9th April 2021, as part of coverage of the death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh earlier that day. Recorded here from BBC Scotland, although it was being broadcast across other BBC channels hence the lack of any channel identifier.

BBC (Family Ident) - 2021

A longer playout of the BBC 'Family' ident from the 9pm junction on April 9th 2021, showing a little more of the formup at the start. Although the ident was carried across different BBC channels which were still simulcasting, the same worded announcement was revoiced by different people on different channels.

BBC One (Family Ident - Duke of Edinburgh) - 2021

A variant on the BBC Family ident appeared on Friday 16th April into the 7pm junction. Now primarily being used on BBC One, although still only branded as BBC onscreen, the large BBC logo seen previously had been replaced by the coat of arms for the Duke of Edinburgh. The announcement here was used on both BBC One network and BBC One Wales.

BBC One NI (Family Ident - Duke of Edinburgh) - 2021

Although BBC One Wales took the network announcement into the 7pm junction on the 16th, other nations used their own announcements, albeit with the same wording. Here the announcement from BBC One Northern Ireland.

BBC One Scotland (Family Ident - Duke of Edinburgh) - 2021

Finally, the BBC One Scotland version of the Duke of Edinburgh 'Family' ident, aired here at 7pm on Friday April 17th 2021.

BBC One (Generic) - 2021

On the day of the funeral of Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, on April 17th 2021, a generic red ident for BBC One made an appearance. Differing from generic ones seen in the past, this was first used across all nations into the 10am junction that day.

BBC One (Menu) - 2021

Menu slides read over by an announcer aren't used a lot in the 'modern day' primetime BBC One, what with ECPs and regular trailers replacing the promotional role much of the time. But a template still exists in the BBC One branding package for use when needed. Due to them being quick to create, they can commonly be seen during disruption to schedules, being used here in the 7pm junction on Friday April 16th to announce an updated schedule due to coverage of Prince Philip.

BBC One Scotland (Menu) - 2021

The menu slide from BBC One Scotland for the same junction on April 16th 2021. Featuring a different programme opt-out at 8.05pm.

BBC One Wales (Menu) - 2021

For the 7pm junction on April 16th 2021, BBC One Wales used their version of the menu slide too, voiced locally so as to announce an opt-out at 8.05pm. Though for the ident following in the same junction, they took network continuity.

BBC One NI (Menu) - 2021

The BBC One Northern Ireland variant of the menu slide from 2021. Used here in the same 7pm junction on April 16th 2021, they were the only nation to add a music track underneath the announcer as well.

BBC One (England Fans) - 2021

To mark England's progression to the finals of Euro 2020 (held in 2021 due to COVID), a special lockdown-style ident was produced and began airing on network BBC One on July 10th 2021. These were to be the last idents in this style, with the lockdown approach withdrawn completely from the channel little over a week later.

BBC One (England Fans) - 2021

A second special ident to mark England's progression to the finals of Euro 2020, first used on BBC One Network on July 10th 2021.

BBC One (England Fans Sting) - 2021

As well as special idents, to mark England making it to the finals of Euro 2020, a series of stings were put out on network. Looking like user submitted videos found on Youtube, the word 'Oneness' was notably absent from them.

BBC One (England Fans Sting) - 2021

Another special BBC One sting to mark England's progression to the Euro 2020 finals in July 2021.

BBC One (England Fans Sting) - 2021

A third special BBC One sting featuring England fans, to mark their progression to the Euro 2020 finals in July 2021.

BBC One (England Fans Sting) - 2021

Sting number 4 from the Euro 2020 final weekend, in July 2021. Featuring more fans of the team, this was only used on network BBC One.



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